Saturday, 16 March 2013

Guardian editorial

Here are a few roughs and developmental drawings for an editorial piece that I did for the guardian last year. The illustration was a half page image for the front cover of the 'Work' supplement in the Saturday edition.

The article was looking at the choice that workers were being made to make between opting out of a new mandatory pension scheme contribution 'Auto-Enrolment' and how this would affect their take-home pay. The initial idea for the illustration was very simple and direct  - A supermarket worker faced with a choice between a secure future or a pay cut.

The art director and myself settled on the idea of a shelf-stacker considering their options, these were represented by two stacks of boxes 'Pension' and 'Paycut'.

Once this was decided I gathered the reference material and then worked up the final image. The main issue was to make sure the person could be identified as a worker and not a customer.

This job was a two and a half day turn-around.

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